
^^ this

The most people who still love FFT probably never played the Disgaea series.

for 4 weeks..4 months? Will you play the wiiU in 5 or 7 years or move on to the upcoming sony and ms consoles already. The wiiU will get some seriously great games my friend, but after 2-3 years this console will be dead. Faster than the wii for sure.

A HD Version of Contra 3 please.

Thats why i meant only nintendo games, those they have the rights for..of course not the third party games

whaaa...and one more ^^

Probably? Why a Probably?

Oh well...... i know why i stick more to video game related art lol

Oh Kotaku..u is so faaast.

i meant nintendo offering their old snes/nes/gba games via VC, legally as a big feature

Stop writing stupid Articles @ Ben Cousins

heh just ruined my sexual-life for the next time ;)

Or wait ..instead try to hunt down piracy of 25 year old games and re-release them with drm onboard!

Make all the old snes/nes/gba games free to play so your console can compete with the pc which plays all the game for free via emulator already.

Its a HD Upgrade includng a new ugly controller gimmick

This article is a bit related too

Yup thats true, i saw the movies and liked them but never really cared for Gigers motives and works

Heh, guess i have to research his art and motives a bit, i saw the first Alien around 15 years ago and Love all the movies and some of the games but today was the first time for real that their head looked like a penis to me :-)

The Alien's head looks like a Penis. Was that Intention?

I use game art hq to see nice cosplay art