
New PC games look and looked still a ton better than most console games. It is not a huuuge jump ahead but the difference is easy to spot

You just bought it too soon. Nintendo consoles start getting interesting as soon as there are at least 5 big Nintendo made games on it. But for now there is just nintendo land and the new mario bros. Both are not really games i wanted.

yay, finally someone who agrees with me. P. Brown has no problems getting pageviews anyway, but its something in general, sometimes other not so known artists works are showcased here and how it is done is quite a bit unfair to the artists.

He won`t even know about it unless someone tells him ^^ And when he knows it, the damage is done already since the most people will visit this article in the next 5-10 hours. I speak from own experiences, one of my projects was "promoted" on one of the biggest German websites some days ago and i got only around 30

Oh good, this time you were really fast with his latest fan art, but copying his work in the same size so there is no reason to visit his profile on dA? Not the nicest way to "promote" an artist.

Writing the ugly truth does not make you a troll. If anything is trolling, its the people who declare the wiiU a nextgen console.

You are a brilliant duck!


Can't wait for the first WiiU Games using it..since it is a nextgen console ;-)

Definitive the next generation this time!

Bushnell is damn right.

Lol, in the end the WiiU games might look worse than their ps3 and xb360 counterparts to prevent frameskipping because the gamepad which needs more ressources. I am looking forward to see how multiplatform games look in summer 2013.

The engine itself yes, but due to new technology and graphic effects , more details in the games the development costs will raise a lot

Its last console release, on the Sega Master System way back in 1988, had a 3D mode

Thats very short sighted. Thanks to the long console generation Ubisoft like any other company did not have to spend money for the development of nextgen games already.

Maybe people dont want to buy very similar updates every day?

Very cool Idea, i wish that would be more often the case.

Out of Interest, since when do companies developing dlc from zero after the game is out?

It was probably Mickey Mouse Magical Quest, another great Mickey game from the past

Epic Fail.