heh..the music in FFVII was in midi format already for the biggest part, but it would still have sound worse on the n64
heh..the music in FFVII was in midi format already for the biggest part, but it would still have sound worse on the n64
Heh..and the cutscenes looked horrible on the n64. And nay, alone because of the pre rendered backgrounds FFVII would not have been possible on the n64 and 264 mb..no matter how good the compression would have been. And i don*t even want to image how bad the music would have sounded lol
Faster yes, but for a lot game genre`s the stupid cardridge decision meant the end on nintendo consoles for a long time. Take Street Fighter II as example, mentioned Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Breath of Fire, those were all games which started on the Nintendo platforms (SFII port). The N64 was no choice for these…
Let`s say the N64 was a mixed bag when it comes to technology
The FF demo..which was not FFVII looked super terrible.
Games like Yakuza 5, the new Sonic Racer and the upcoming Aliens Colonial Marines make Sega really more than an empty shell :)
Nah, the PC cant play a ton sony, MS and Nintendo games.
Thats a big vague, not a few 3d platformers were in development already since months when mario64 was released
Except for the storage medium used for games + limited online support. While some ps2 games are still played online, there was almost nothing for the GC.
Except for the storage medium used for games + limited online support. While some ps2 games are still played online, there was almost nothing for the GC.
How can those consoles gain dust with so many great new games being developed for them when there is only zombiU and maybe nintendoland on the wiiU?
Developing and publishing games for all platforms, thats where sega is
well, they are right about the next gen definition of course if it is meant in relation to nintendo only :) I think the wiiU is more of a middle thing...technology wise..maybe even behind the current gen but due to the small screen maybe innovative in many games. Like with the wii, it might gain dust often and is only…
If the N64 was more powerful, why could it not run games like final fantasy VII?
That was clear already, or?
A bit more powerful yes, but the smaller medium of the mini dvds lead to less movies and worse sound and music quality on some multiplatform games. Some games were not even ported because of that like the Silent Hill games
If there are something like Framerate drops, i doubt anyone would care WHY they happen. Important for the gaming experience is THAT they happen. =/
Next Gen Console eh?
awww and a few minutes after that moment D. Bryan was all like NO NO NO. Stupid WWE decisions sometimes.