
After seeing Jeff Mangum a few times, I'm convinced that he had the right idea: Make two solid albums, go away for a dozen years, then come back and rake it in, playing just the songs people know. Weezer almost went this route, and now their post-Pinkerton output is a classic "careful what you wish for." 
I think

Glad Janet is the pitcher. Right call. Pitching is all in the legs. Have you seen her hindquarters?

I think your show has a problem when the racist, drug-dealing redneck is the most likable character in the entire cast. He's helpful, sympathetic, and bad-ass. Everyone else seems like a total whiner/tool. So far, he seems like the real hero. And he's a new character that's not even in the comic.

I'd say that I can't stand most of the cast of Lord of the Rings in anything besides the Lord of the Rings movies. Except maybe McKellan, Mortensen, and Bean. Though I usually hate Bean, because he always seems to play the asshole, GoT notwithstanding.

I hope none of them have lice.

No mention of Ben Mackenzie's work? I actually like him as an actor, but he wasn't very good in this. He tries to do the dramatic "Batman" voice, but just comes off as stilted and over dramatic. I'd rather have a recognizable voice like Cranston, who will at least give a good performance, than a newer voice that's

You know what I don't understand about zombie movies? Zombies feed on human flesh (or woodchucks). When someone is overtaken by zombies, they're automatically a zombie feast. So why are there so many zombies just roaming around? How did they get bitten, but not eaten? Or were they infected in some other way? I can see

That would certainly put those HIMYM episodes in a whole new context…

You know, he didn't say he WOULDN'T put a penis in his mouth. He just said it'd be the last year of the show. He didn't say he'd walk off the show.

Didn't see the ep, but is Armisen's "friend of Qaddafi" bit at all similar to Larry David's "friend of Qaddafi bit from 30 years ago?…

That's exactly what I was thinking too. Suncreen hallucinations, the waitress would be the hob(m)o, and the puppy would be one of those mangy dogs. 
I also like that the explanation for the waitress was ecstasy, give that she is so obviously pregnant. 
And I also like the montage. That's kind where Dee and Dennis' story

My first thought was Christa Miller while she was on Scrubs. Especially since the show i son all the time in syndication now.
I disagree with the Alyson Hannigan having surgery claim. She actually looks kinda old now, in a natural way.