
All Lives Matter, amirite?

She doesn’t. She’s an attractive, young White woman who is the highest paid actor this year.

Oh believe me, we have a preponderance of fuckups here. They’re just so numerous it takes a real standout to make news.

being from Portland is really fucking embarrassing sometimes

Intersectional Feminism 101: White feminists, it’s not always about you.

“And I don’t think we should be making life more confusing for our children.”

They use the same wax for their banjo’s as they do their mustaches?

We can’t even get hand-crafted, artisanal hipster douches anymore.

America’s chocolate game is WEAK. So weak.

If for no other reason than it’s bad TV. If I want to hear someone prose on about pregnancy or their upcoming trip, I’ll talk to my friends. And they are at least funny, cuss and not super into god so yeah, I’ll pass.

‘Whoa, where did that come from, what’s that about,’

The reason that reporting on a filed claim annoys you so is because the idea that someone might be accountable for racism is terrifying to you. Fuck you and die in a fire.

Give it a couple of hours, you’ll start to see that description on Facebook posts, as “The TRUTH about Planned Parenthood revealed by AG investigation!!!”


It takes some fucking balls to bury the news that your “investigation” turned up absolutely nothing illegal by somehow accusing Planned Parenthood of breaking the law because allegedly a third party medical waste disposal company is not disposing of medical waste properly.

I responded to the other clickbait truther, but he was out of the grays so I felt better.

Uh, this is the second comment like this I’ve seen and I’m sorry for ungreying this probable troll.

What is it like to be shit?

Super Mayo Boy saves the day by calling the police!