this is a gaming website
this is a gaming website
You used “SJW” pejoratively.
Why are you here reading it?
Actually, the basics of having a convo include responding to the other person. You asked a question, I took the time to reply nicely, you came back at me with a non-sequitur. That’s not cool.
White person here:
Right, but it’s still fucked up. Quit being Mr. #notallwhitepeople.
Honest question. Why do black people, as a collective because thats how society treats them, seem to be separate from the American population. Language exceptions, intresting name exceptions,
First off, kotaku isn’t exclusively about video games.
Black people play video games too.
Poor thing. Sorry for the calamity of reading an article you didn’t have to click on
God fucking forbid you’re forced to read about the human experience.
You’re not giving yourself enough credit. Jews comprise even less of the population, and we’ve apparently taken over Hollywood, the banks, and the government!
They really aren’t though. My entire Facebook feed may as well have been a crack team of seasoned psychologists rabidly thumbing through the DSM for a suitable narrative.
Because almost none of those other minority groups you listed were brought to this country as slaves? Durrrrrrrr. I’m Indian. Literally every single Indian I know in America is here because they or their parents had a student visa to study to become an engineer or doctor. Not because they were ripped from their…
I dunno, most mainstream news sites have been pretty quick to blame the shooting on mental illness, not racism
Gandhi - India is cool and all but they have nukes. And brandish them.
May I add that looking to Thomas Edison for a lesson on ethics and/or how to treat other human beings is just ... hilariously callow. Thomas Edison? Sure. Sure.
I do love it when white people cherry pick quotes from people of color to tell them how they aught to react to their own oppression. Although I disagree with the concept of violent retribution, you can get bent with this nonsense.
You’re saying some things that make people uncomfortable and that’s good. White people can always count on black peoples’ forgiveness. We are far too forgiving as a people.
Uh oh, you’ve commited the ultimate faux pas. Don’t you know justice is just for white people? Black people are supposed to forgive and forget even though our opprwssion is stilk acive and ongoing. Something something mlk, ghandi, something.
I respect it. What I don’t respect is the happiness that white people show at the fact that black victims are just going to forgive, and that they’re not willing to make any changes to prevent massacres from happening. It’s gross.