Nintendo was making a mockery of VC long before Rare Replay.
Nintendo was making a mockery of VC long before Rare Replay.
See also: straight girls at gay bars. Like, what gives? Just because we’re drunk, doesn’t mean we’re any more interested in making out with you.
If you’re not paying for the bandwidth, you don’t get to decide what gets posted where.
And gays have the power to control the weather!
Also, Ghandi hated black people. I’m not sure how appropriate it is to quote him when talking about the cost of racism against black people.
It reminds me of the kind of treatment myself and other people of color occasionally get from the nice, white liberal folks that make up the majority of my city. They’re so concerned with anyone of color showing anger towards any racism that they’re confronted with.
This pretty much confirms my suspicion that Nintendo doesn’t really understand what was so great about Metroid. For me, at least, it’s about exploring hostile alien environments as one of gaming’s most iconic characters.
That Metroid game looks like Bionocle had a steamy abortion in a Denny’s bathroom. Who actually thinks a Metroid game where you don’t get to play as Samus is a good thing?
That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m still excited by the potential, but I’m pretty skeptical.
Uh, me for one. I was one of the turncoats that jumped from 360 to PS4 and this is the first time I’ve seriously considered getting an Xbone. Even though it’s not true backwards compatibility, it’s a pretty serious value add for the console and a real gaunlet thrown in the face of Sony. The console generation might…
Holy shit, I want to thank you for introducing me to the term “sealioning”.
Hear, hear.
Protip: stop looking at gay porn.
Yeah. It sucks being forced to read an article and write a long-winded complaint about it.
Maybe not. But it makes you wrong.
Acknowledging that sometimes people are gay isn’t pandering, ya big goof.
I’m not jealous. I’m not jealous.
Naw. Lena Dunham makes me sad about the world, but I don't think anyone should be bullied out of a public forum.
Maybe Anna Kendrick Lamar is European. We're all giant, Grimace-like creatures to Europeans.