
sounds like a dingo would fuck you up too tho

Yeah, their bite is so filled with bacteria and venom that they literally haven't identified all the ways it will kill you yet. They're discovering new species bacteria in a Komodo Dragon's mouth.

i'd throw hands with a kangaroo for like ten bucks

Komodo Dragon? Are those things badass? Outside of, you know, being a dragon

Does this man have and Xbox strapped to his stomach?

would 100% buy infinity blade for Xbox one

...Why hasn't Nintendo thought of this already? Seems right up their alley, these days.


Hats? Hats! HAATTSSS!!!!!


Duck Dynasty for only $24.99? What a steal! I'll be there at midnight!!

The sequel. Make it now.

You don't need to play Halo to know that 10 people should make 5x5.

*ahem* that would be a helmet that he's wearing...I believe you can take those off.

let your questing buddies do it. Kill confirms.

Nice touch!

16 byte value so likely two ulongs initialized using hex. So probably a typo. Thats how i've done it.

yeha, but it's not missing characters. It's just got an "a" in the wrong spot.