
Finally some video that explains how it works. People often confuse it with sharing games. But it's actually more like meeting your friend digitally and play together on the couch. Just digitally.

Nope. Meanwhile, my Xbox One is streaming MKVs over DLNA.

Call me when I can use it as a mediaserver again >_>

Nope. Destiny's down for me on a 100mb/s fiber-optic connection. You're just antagonistically twattish.

Is PSN being attacked right now? These outages are getting annoying <.<;

what if the crytarch is secretly running some kind of loot pyramid scheme where he keeps the good stuff you bring him and gives you the garbage in return to secretly equip his hive army for battle so they can summon the true hive mind, Bobby Kotick...

A million deaths are not enough to make a purple engram drop.

Help, my console is bricked.