Felipe Maldonado

suddenly... I kinda wanna play some Sega Saturn... not sure why...

*INSANE DISCOUNTS!!! A WHOLE 10% OFF!!! Would so go find these select retailers if my socks weren't BLOWN OFF!!!*

*INSANE DISCOUNTS!!! A WHOLE 10% OFF!!! Would so go find these select retailers if my socks weren't BLOWN OFF!!!*

any one else feel uncomfortable carving up a giant innocent gummy bear who's only crime is being delicious?

Odd how it could be a sculpture of just about anything else but because it's a face it scares the poop out of me. I kept thinking during the slow bits of the video that the face would suddenly turn towards to the camera and the music would turn horrific!

I'm gonna be perfectly honest, I can't wait for this. Playing Ocarina of Time and Starfox, I find I get a better grip when I play holding the system and the charging base together. I feel really silly but it feels so much better. When things get intense it's nice to have something that fills my hand and gives it a

seems it was almost destined this article came up since earlier I tweeted or twitted or twatted, whatever it is, about how much of the free games that got for the 3DS stirred up some feelings I have about Nintendo. The gist being, I don't deserve nor need the free games for having bought a 3DS early however I would

'suckfest'!? how dare you!? honestly, wasn't there a post on kotaku about how someone shouldn't have blown off the game before! At f'n E3!? Is someone at kotaku trying to be to cool for the room. Its posts like these that make me lose respect for this site and even though I'll continue to come to this site to get

I just woke up from a 15 hour nap after working endlessly, in a haze of flavored tea and 2 day old pizza I paused a replay of the Opie and Anthony show to watch this. I tapped out at 9 minutes in. I'm not ashamed. I understood about a half or a third of what was going on and now I'm exhausted again and I have to

Just Beiber is so better looking though.

HOLY F#@%!!! I shouldn't feel bad for uberly rich people just because I'm poor, work pay check to pay check but still some how was able afford a 3DS on launch and be very proud of it (still am(sort-a)) but damn... losing half a billion dollars in a day!?! I don't think the system itself if a failure so much as the

it's a strange dark day when you wanna see a child hood hero naked :/

just got the netflix app, my review so far: Was super excited :) downloaded with glee, checked out the 3D logo on the home screen (unimpressive), the layout is functional but ugly, no posters loaded and was slow to navigate. Picked Top Gear(UK) to test it with, episode guide wouldn't load, hit a button to play it