
Amer Othman Adi’s heartbreaking case highlights an important fact about US immigration that most people, liberals included, aren’t mindful of: someone can easily go from being a legal resident to being undocumented, through factors entirely outside their control. In this case, Mr. Adi was a green card holder for

I’m from this area and know a lot of the people involved. Some additional important info: All the people being targeted are Chinese Christian refugees from Indonesia who fled various pogroms in that country as a result of both their ethnicity and religion. A number of them landed in New Jersey in the 90s. When they

Megan, you missed the best line in the interview, which is actually from the David Marchese, the interviewer:

I saw this live. When they first announced Halsey would speak next, I was not expecting much. I’m not familiar with her music, and only knew that she’s a currently popular singer and bits of silly gossip about her. But once she started reading the poem, my god! After she was done, the woman next to me said, “wow, that

Shoulda used this Rippon gif:

I’m so aroused right now.

He looks deceptively hot in that pic, but Google Image search reveals he actually has a face shaped like a guitar pick.

That’s not how any of that works. ICE does not keep track of people coming and going on visas. There is no system to track people overstaying on a visa. Nor would such a system be particularly feasible, since there are many kinds of visas that turn invalid for reasons that are hard to track (such as an employment visa

In 2016, IndyStar (based where USAG is headquartered) did a very thorough investigative piece on how USAG covered up sexual abuse by people (not just Larry Nassar, in fact, he’s not even mentioned in that article) involved in gymnastics. They continued to certify coaches even after they’d had multiple reports of sex

How are we not using this as an opportunity for a dancing Mary J gif party?! I’ll start:

That said…

I think I speak for many of us when I say that I read the headline as “How Much Would You Pay to Shit in a Box in the Woods?”

The moment when Vinny from Jersey Shore eloquently and succinctly explains the science of climate modeling to Trump:

Wait ‘til they come across a case involving me, a gay fetus! Their heads gon’ asplode!

Thank you to Ms. Gelineau for helping these women find and share their voices! Those women you reported on are heroes and so are you. Bringing atrocities out of the dark is the critical first step to stopping them.

Streep may not have known about Harvey Weinstein, but she definitely knew about Roman Polanski when she gave Polanski a standing ovation at the Oscars.

After Charlottesville, we set up a roadside memorial to Heather in New Jersey near where Trump was staying in his golf course, a bunch of kids flying a Trump flag drove by and knocked the memorial over while I was holding vigil nearby. I called the cops, but nothing was ever done. So I’m not surprised, but I’m still