Fitting, since his attempts at being important suck pretty hard.
Perez Hilton, may you find a nice job as a mattress salesman in St. Paul and stop popping up randomly in my entertainment news.
Fitting, since his attempts at being important suck pretty hard.
Perez Hilton, may you find a nice job as a mattress salesman in St. Paul and stop popping up randomly in my entertainment news.
It's surprisingly easy for us to become so enraptured with our own comfortable microcosm that we completely lose…
Our obsession with hacking life to become more efficient beings of human knows no end. We bookmark links that…
You really are a bastard, Ohcrapnick (I think that's your name. That's the what the guy called you at 0:28 of this…
But you'll have a PC, a Smartphone, maybe a tablet. No no no, none of those things are pieces of surveillance. Not at all.
The road to Rockstar’s nihilistic online paradise has been full of potholes. But, with enough prayers to Kraff, it…
no penis? im disappointed
Fuckign feminists. Go back to Jezebel.