
Ninja does sound like nigga. in fact it has become a word to use to avoid using the actual N word. I think I’m more offended at the fact that a lot of these White guy streamers are using Asian theme names. “Ninja” I’m sure plenty of Japanese viewers are rolling their eyes right when they heard about it.

You do you and get paid big Sis. The more airtime you get the better $$$ in the end. I believe sex sells, ugly sells, and tragically douchey attitude sells nowadays in youtube, twitch, Oval Office.

is this series worth watching? i didnt even bother. i still have ptsd from waiting every week with freiza and cell series during high school.

youd ont need to be playing with friends. youll make friends playing this game. none of my buddies on xbox have this game. they all have pubg/shooters. But you’ll make new friends because youre all going to have the same goal.. do missions, collect stuff and protect them from other pirates.

amazon is literally killing businesses and its owners. It’s like Bezos sucked the soul out of this man as a finisher.

shouldve turned this into a franchise and solely focus on certain type of toys.

shouldve used Vibranium.

Well brother wont be expecting her to respawn anytime soon. Life has no reset button.

This is how japan is going to take over countries, really really good anime’s. First the Americas, next the world.

i bitched about toxic gamers being famous a few posts back, and now here we are.. the biggest douches in youtube joining in twitch community. it just doesnt make sense. do you have to be an asshole to get subs nowadays?

anime is seen as anti masculunity in this country. its sad.

i just tried Fortnite last night. I honestly do not understand “battle royale” style of gaming. for someone like me who has been playing FPS on and off (PC) The battle royale trend feels like a cheap mobile game knock-off. I’m gonna give this PUBG a shot, and even the controls look terrible. BTW I streamed fortnite

ok at this point im quitting college and be a fulltime gamer if people can just make millions this easily.

newell would be retired by 2025. lost my respect. they are making too much money to even care about their HL fanbase.

those early facebook games really did popularize these loots. i remember saying back then that this is some form of online gambling that will take over gaming. Look at it now. WHen Mobile Apps came through, every godamn games have Loots. Sure its free, but my god thats how they get you. Now the industry is using it.

its about time we start calling out this epidemic. too many gaymers had to put up with this kind of online bullying for 2-3 decades since birth of online gaming competitions. I’ve been through this throughout my gaming life as most of gaymers ive met.

hot damn!@! when i was in HS, the worst thing I’ve seen kids do is stuff weed inside a ballpoint pen housing.

Get your ass up democrats down south. dont let these republican thugs take away your voice. Get the fuck up and vote. Dont be the welfare check queen state that everyone has labeled you for.

so is Light Phone 1 on sale?

This looks like my fricken Bose Remote;