get off the fucking fly over state. These ass backward states have nothing better to do than vote for Trump to fucko ver everyone else
get off the fucking fly over state. These ass backward states have nothing better to do than vote for Trump to fucko ver everyone else
lets not blame microsoft. maybe the developers cant figure out a code to let the main character ride the dragon, so they said fuck it, lets cancel it.
hahahahah FUCKING ENTITLED GENERATION. I GREW UP PLAYING MARIO 2D SPRITE THAT COULDNT GO BACK. fuck outta here. I trust Niantic is doing something right now to really fix the game.
he lost me after his supporters started behaving this way. he has no shot at nomination, these people are just delusional now. His job is to hype the dem party, but the way he was talking last night, he was talking like hes going to be the nominee.
I switched after seeing this. These are not democratic members, theyre the tea party of the left. I did not want to be part of this anarchy.
REMINDS ME of that douche Filipino champ
Is LOL free? Its so popular amongst Asian crowds.
I’m not even a fan of DC comics but putting villain movie is a genius. Marvel didn’t think of this.
He reminds me of batman cartoon series
Basically kiddy games
Microsoft need to pick this up.
Yea its called Xbox live. I don’t know why Sony even attempted this. they have no background nor skills to create online gaming community. they’re good at copying it though.
I also have the OCD to go through every single thing on the map. The scale of Black Flag compared to the AC Unity is just ridiculous. It kills me to get one from point A to B. Have you also done all the chasing and flying notes?
Was Yaiba really that awful? I really wanna play NG series.
So disappointed in Valve. They used to make games, now they’re just a fuckin service called Steam. Their games now are practically FREE on there because they’re making way too much money on Steam. Half life 3 will never happen. Egotistic Gaben has too much money to care, so they go into this fuckin VR and hardware…
He’s Swede. His accent is on par with your typical Midwesterner though. I thought he was from Pennsylvania or something. LOL
I’m just glad he’s more famous than fucking Bieber or Rihanna. Holy shit this is an accomplishment for all the nerds out there. Hated the fact that internet has lost it’s true real fandoms, which were the geeks and nerds. A solitary from jocks and cunts in the real world who bullied them. Now we have Facebook,…
This is what Spore 2 could have been if EA only let will wright made another one.
He looks like my ex hahahah