
At this guy’s age, dressing as a Viagra bottle seems more appropriate.

I thought this one was good, except the hands are too exaggerated, should be teenier. This woman looks a bit like Melania, too.

I also think First Nations is way more appropriate. That way the name is neither designated by a guy who was completely wrong about where he’d ended up, or a name designated by the Europeans who stole their land.

A sexy puritan costume is the height of the inappropriately sexy costume craze.

There is literally an insert in the original post showing her at a grocery store back in the 50's.

This is EASILY the funniest post of the entire thread. lol

God, I feel so sorry for that grocery store’s employees. You know the last week (at least) of cleaning and making everything perfect for her visit has been fucking miserable.

Go see a star war.

Saw a pic of this earlier (the third pic up from bottom or similar shot) — don’t know where. It had the best caption, though:

I’m all lost in the supermarket
I can no longer shop happily
I came in here for that special offer
A guaranteed personality

I wasn’t born so much as I fell out
Nobody seemed to notice me
We had a hedge back home in the suburbs
Over which I never could see

I heard the people who lived on the ceiling
Scream and fight most

Right?! Call me when she rocks up to an Aldi. Then we’re talking.

“Yes, but how does the food get to the table? I mean, I SEE the food and other items right here, but how does it get to where it is in the front of you. Where are the silver trays, the goblets...? Is there another section where they keep the footmen. Take me to the footmen section of this food repository...”

“Paper or plastic, mum?”

Of course it was a Waitrose. Of course. No Tesco Metro for the Queen.

Always good to see a healthy 90-year-old walking on her own, having a pleasant time learning something new. One of my friends, a wonderful, life-filled woman of 86, teaches, drives, throws and sells pots, produces gorgeous Chinese paintings, and cracks Sicilian jokes. Her schedule would wear me out, but she carries

I love the inherent silliness of these kinds of photos.