I'm guessing you have no understanding about what marketing actually is...
I'm guessing you have no understanding about what marketing actually is...
None of those workers where friends with Kara, therefore no one cares.
It's incredibly embarrassing Gawker lets someone write stories about businesses when they don't know the difference between revenue and profits. Maybe they should outsource these stories to someone who has a fucking clue what they are talking about.
What is gross about giving good, middle class jobs to developing countries? These aren't going to people working in sweatshops. They're skilled people who deserve jobs just as much as Americans. Sorry it pisses you off so much that brown people are getting some of the same opportunities you have.
It's great that your life has been simplified by just accepting the basic uniform for every yuppie under the age of 60.
Businesses make decisions based on what will make them more money. That's how it works. It's the same reason Gawker laid,off a bunch of people.
What exactly is terrible about creating middle class jobs in places like the Phillipines were many more people are in need of better paying jobs? This isn’t 12 year olds huddled in a textile factory making Nikes, this is bringing good jobs to people who probably need them more than Americans.
People like booze, especially free booze. It doesn't take a genius to figure this one out Sherlock
It's not at the expense of anyone else. That's not how businesses make decisions. They were laid off because Revolve decided it would make them more money if they outsourced the work. That decision is independent of Kardashian appearances or free cab rides.
You do realize that companies that are performing well lay off employees all the time, right? It’s not uncommon to decide that some positions aren’t needed. And making people stay to a certain date to get severance pay is also pretty normal. The decision to pay Kim Kardashian whatever and the decision to layoff…
The defender was inside the circle
Calling Brown’s civil rights activism a “non-novel idea that racism is bad” is the most fucking bullshit downplaying of his role possible.
Ugghh, it’s pretty tonedeaf of Gawker to publish a white writer’s hot take on Jim Brown at this point in time. I'm sure there plenty of white wife beaters you could have wrote this about, but surprise, surprise, an outspoken black man is the one being attacked. Fuck this #alllivesmatter bullshit
The Shawshank Redemption isn't real life...
If you can't tell the difference between the Manson Family and most murderers, I don't know what to tell you. Serial killers are not routinely paroled. Not sure what sort of dreamland you're living in.
If living in Kansas is no perticular reason
Yeah, God forbid people have positive relationships with people they don't agree with.
If the famous person in this video was a girl would Gawker be publishing it?
Isn't it ironic that all these people raging at her are reading a gossip blog that's posting the same picture just for clicks?
What crime should the writers at Gawker be charged with for posting nudes of people on multiple occasions without their permission?