apparently boobs and kiss has more negative effect for child than terrorism and religious extremist.
apparently boobs and kiss has more negative effect for child than terrorism and religious extremist.
same in Arab countries. We hate kissing. But love terrorists. Fucked up over here.
its better than censorship in Indonesia, for holywood movie on tv. They censor kissing, gun shooting (esp. At point blank) smoking, and even cleavage of upper boobs that didnt have any indication or sugestive pose. Which pose a question why they air it in the first place...
So pretty much from the first game.
Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to side, come on its time to fight do the Mario!
if I wrote a book or a manga, and someone said the anime or movie is better than the book, I'd be very pissed.
If valve got an F, Microsoft would probably get a M for Motherfucking Assholes.
You're on kotaku. Everyone is a hypocrite.
have you played any of the Zero Escape games?
Also told without any understanding as to why those cliches work.
Told in the most juvenile fashion imaginable.
Neither one of these games' story is worth even mentioning though.
"Let them eat DLC"
If that's an eluvian then it needs a staircase. The thing is way high. Some poor elf would fall flat on their face when they teleport to here.
How tall is that Mirror? How can you use it?
Honestly I think this games hugely overrated myself,everything in it is very forced, characters are forced, gameplay mechanics feel tacked on, shooting and level design is exactly like the first bioshock, it's overrated..but almost every game recently is, let's be honest games are getting very stale recently, when…