Gawker is Dead

Nintendo doesn’t hide their news, they always show them on Nintendo direct and announce them early.

“I’m really happy the last guardian is back, for kotaku people “

Let them crowdfund the localisation of the Yakuza series too. Yakuza five is nice but it’s always good to have more Yakuza.

Sony owns naughty dog.

This is what I felt before playing it. I play it as a single player myself, I barely care about the other players in fact I specifically chose the least populated server just to stay from people lol.

That’s because they just recently done that, They’re the ones who started the “Put everything on phones” trend, and it started with FFVI advanced

After SO3. The lore just isn’t as interesting as it was before because of some huge plot twist that if you’ve finished SO3 you’d know what I mean.

Gr8 Cheeky B8 m8

That is Yakuza Five, That scene is from the first chapter too I think (watched a lets play of it before)

Memes huh? I’ll leave this conversation before it gets more embarrassing.

If you think everything is racist, maybe you need to stop being racist yourself.

But these are all super generic.

Does Sony always secure that ad placement in the middle? It seems exactly like the last E3 and the one before it.

So here we see a Nintendo game, made by Namco Bandai, featuring a character from Capcom.


Why are you angry that he gets all the virtual ladies?

In space no one can hear you queef

by the way go here and click on the megaphone symbol multiple times.

Now playing

The whole Konami 2010 E3 was a classic, it still makes me lol 5 years later.

Reminder : Sandman is also one of the best comic books.

Could have just borrowed bicycle.