Gawker is Dead

ive mentioned it in the other threads I have no idea why it gets so little attention while destiny is on everyone's list. Destiny is garbage.

you don't know what forensic means? It's pretty common term in crime shows

whats the matter Patricia, can't stand the sight of a true nord dick?

more effort to localize Japanese games.

not snake, big boss

He didn't play him in mgs4 though.

"Snake whats going on! Snake snaaakkkeee "

why is a DDoS attack considered hacking?

ohhhh your hair is beautiful!! Ohhh toniiight

No mention of tales of xillia 2 yet again why kotaku?

cor blimey! This article was very spefic.

Did any of the kotaku staff play tales of Xillia 2?

What's the matter ? Can't stand the sound of a true 'murican woman?

They never liked my I'm going to kill all these fucks.

New Race: The Au Ra

"now in development" Lol.

it is almost mindblowing how overlooked Tales of Xillia 2 is by all the JRPG fans

they would be going back to their roots

The PC masterrace laughs at the hypocrisy of "next gen gamers" so now all the sudden you think consoles are pushing developers back. And you're pushing them forward....... By buying yet another console.

Thanks! Now I'm going to go jizz on my friend's unconscious body!