Gawker is Dead

Press X until your thumbs get sore.

You got to admit though that's one cool table.

Because they're steamed bread....probably? i do not remember that movie so I do not know.

Chinese Bread.

So now Final Fantasy fans will demand a Hatsune Miku remake on PS4. like they did with FFVII

as if the game itself isn't a rip off.

"Like getting high while shooting people" - IGN Star Citzen's review

Maybe games need to be more fun than scary? I did not play it but I rather play something fun like resident evil 1 than something like outlast with its crappy pop out scares.

That first video is a bad example since both left and right are 60 FPS.

Vimeo still has the best streaming quality that I've seen so far. Better than Netflix (But I've mostly seen old movies so..)

For people who say " i can only draw stick figures" everyone is like that. You should SKETCH before you draw. Drawing from scratch is a pain.

Someone already spoiled the ending for me (Japanese guy) if he's right then yes it is darker than other final fantasy but not really that dark as other games.

I'm sorry but you're an idiot. Just because everyone is smart you need to make everyone dumb. You're saying you just hate logic. No true friend would say such a thing. My uncle who works in a Navy seals told me "what did you say to me you little bitch!" and then he bragged about his navy seals and then got all

It died when they started making Resistance games

I also like this where it lists all the games you ask without linking you to a site that lists them.

The GamerGate stuff.

Release it on Steam!

Another San Andreas myth. Apparently, airplanes will often crash into buildings, if not right onto the player. The thing is, not only can the airplane often avoid the crash, there is never a pilot onboard. What?

Why are Buzzfeed people so painfully unfunny? They keep pushing an agenda and they're never funny...

Well Disney movies are the most popular animated movies in the world. How is it odd?