Gawker is Dead

Didn't they buy Atlus lately? Let Atlus do the localisations they are good at it.

The guys who did (like it was released lol) Last Guardian or Rain? I haven't followed much news on TLG since they're mostly silent about it.

That's supposed to be a Goth right? seems kind of a waste to have an 'Empire' vs 'Tribes' game as a standalone.

Hope is even more boring. he doesn't do anything except frown and the other animation is he just shakes his head slightly.

You sent them that picture didn't you?

Now playing

I noticed that and did this video awhile back

Didn't expect Digimon Music.

This is the same trick used for PS1 games. have the background to be just a background picture and the characters to be the only thing that moves.

Yeah, I just tried it. it really needs the "Playback Slider" as well but it looks pretty nice so far.

I use Media Go. Lets see if this is better. does it play FLAC?

Thermaltake "exports" brand is my favorite

It is called Homoerotic narcissism.

inb4 Did one of the Kotaku members sleep with Satan to review this ?

You're serious?

You mean like Phill Fish?

Gimmicky. would have been better if the spinning is a powerup instead of being the whole game.

They know the rules and so do i....

i recommended your recommend recommendation.

put depression quest in there just for the lols