Gawker = naive white guilt millennials

I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an

As long as this conversation remains confined to people of color, we can’t expect to see real change.

White people are never involved in the conversation???? Shaka King isn’t paying attention or is purposefully misstating. We’ve been having this conversation for 30-50 years and this same BS claim gets thrown out for as long as I can remember (at least since the mid 1980s). If there is one thing we talk about its race

“Eddie Redmayne touched on trans issues (he plays a trans woman in The Danish Girl), Cate Blanchett maybe said a word or two about lesbians (she plays one in Carol)“

It certainly is offensive and strange that an industry founded by white people for white audiences, produces movies that pander to white audiences; Then hosts an industry award show to advertise to white audiences because that’s the largest and most profitable segment of the population to market to in the country.

Articles like this are needed if done right. However when something like this is put in.

Yeah. And I could be wrong. But agreed. It was supposed to be a middle finger, but it came off as forced. “Look at us! We’re speaking truth to power! Really, guys! We’re taking them all down a peg, I tell you!”

Diversity is everyone’s responsibility. White people should have to answer for racism more than they do. Even the most powerless actor who’s just there for the ride and trying to rack up enough clout to produce or direct and really assert his or her individuality and vision in Hollywood, is taking part in an openly

What exactly were you hoping for? Each and every white actor in the audience to light fire to the auditorium, screaming DOWN WITH THE WHITE MAN! FUCK THE OSCARS!

Seriously, did you REALLY want to hear every white actor and actress on-stage address this? Would 50-60 on-stage acceptances, all dripping with

“the white A-listers who outnumbered them during ABC’s pre-show by an almost 4-1 ratio”

This is a bunch of shit. Go on a show where the top awards are given for that industry and then bitch about that industry. Classy. As if all the white people who were nominated should feel guilty for being white and being talented. It’s like someone bitching about how they couldn’t play in the NFL that’s 80+% black

I think it’s fine that most of Hollywood is white. The reality is most non-white straight males aren’t going to pop a dick in their mouths as quick as white straight males. As we all know the only way you get good parts in Hollywood is to suck dick.

There is Dickie Jiz! I knew you’d be by to document that white guilt of yours! Fuck are you predictable. I’ll be waiting for your thorough Sam Smith being a magical, ethereal, super human, one-of-a-kind super-star-because-he’s-gay write up that will surely be coming any moment now.

“That’s one of the ways racism manifests. White people are never part of the conversation”

I believe that blacks are actually over represented with Oscar winnings relative to population share.

The suicidal masochism of the white people of Western democracies. A place where I, as a white man, have been born into guilt, while everyone else is apparently innocent. I guess it says a great deal about how far we have actually come as a people, that we can now turn that emotional scepticism inward and take part in

I think Whoopi Goldberg said it best...if you dont like what Hollywood is doing, don’t go to their movies. And yet, they do. Hollywood is a business, and if their casting didn’t make money, they would change it. Blacks are only 13% of the population, and their demands for more representation than that arent credible.

so outnumbered 4-1? So 20% shown in the pre-show were black, while black people make up ~14% of the US population. Seems like they were accurately and fairly represented in the pre-show. Certainly can argue there should be more of other ethnic groups, but complaining that black people only got 20% of the pre-show

White Man writes about White People like he ain’t white... Rich - just because you suck a dick or take it up the poop, doesn’t mean you aint as white and as privileged as any other Gawker writer privileged cunt in Hollywood...

Hey, Shaka King? How’s it like being a male in Hollywood? Ever had that question asked while the interviewer ogled your cleavage and squeezed your caboose? How’s the view up there on your really, really, really high Equus caballus?