
The readership of the entire G/O Media blog family represents the smallest of small echo chambers. There’s a certain banned website that hosts a very controversial podcast that I listen to with the word “Daily” in it that gets daily hits in the millions. All of these blogs combined would kill for that kind of traffic.

Jokes on you buddy, I don’t have a wife.


That’s the funny thing with these trannies isn’t it? On the one hand, they could have a legitimate mental illness, and, in this case, I would be all for them getting the psychological care they need to come to terms with their mental disorder (and accept their birth-gender)

Which of the rainbow of genders are you?

Nothing about her legacy is ruined, having a bunch of mentally ill morons mad at you isn’t legacy ruination. No amount of tantrum-throwing by mental midgets will take away from the fact that she wrote one of the most iconic YA book series in history or the fact that she is now one of the most wealthy authors in the

Unfortunately, there might be only one way to save these boards: Nuking them entirely.”

You know what’s the actual damning story?

Nothing can save plant-based meat, and that’s a good thing.

Yes. Nobody is stopping you from losing weight. If you want to ride the Mario Kart ride that badly, diet and exercise are your friend.