
I'm just glad someone didn't make any comments about the unlikeliness of this happening because of the size of the target. Or something equally crude. Very nice to keep things above the belt for a change.

Long is used 324 to 67 times. I think you are catching my drift.

Can I get your number?

But... but... but.... then the stockholders wouldn't get as much return, and then there would be less interest to give capital to Disney, then there would be less Disney jobs, then the homeless would still be homeless with no job. etc. I don't think it's as easy as "that guy should give them more money". "That guy"

They are all far too similar and perfect. I bet they all bought it from one scammer and you're going after the wrong people(s). Jerk.


D-cups for D-fense.

Not always as it seems.

@bodemiller #firstworldproblems #you'readoosh

The effects of "the legalization" are starting to be felt.

Maybe woman are more comfortable being painted naked then men. In short, the insecurity of men. Feel better?

Four months? You should both be institutionalized.

I couldn't tell when he transitioned from play-by-play to complaining about the security. Makes me wonder, is this his voice mannerism for everything. Could you PASS me the SALT. This chocolate mousse is UNBELIEVABLE.

so hot.

This picture is beyond amazing.

No bourbon in the tourney? Complete sham.