
I never got into MOBAs or their equivalent during my years of playing games, Dota, Lol, etc... something inside me just never clicked with them. I do try to play once in a while because friends keep asking, but after seeing someone on the enemy team rise 20 levels over me and slaughter us at spawn I just put the game

To help lure you in, a "free" copy of the game is being made available to PlayStation Plus subscribers. It's obviously scaled down, with only a few tracks and cars available, though it will let you try out every game mode.

Cool, no campaign. If I had a nickel for every time a multiplayer game shoe-horned a "single player experience" that ended up being nothing more than a prettied-up tutorial I'd have enough money to buy all the Razer products that will ever exist.

I didn't know Carrot Top played Magic!

I think the only live action sequences are going to be the "cool" moments where nothing really happens... everything with action will be CGI.

kinda sad really. even if Titanfall needs a good story now and again to expand it's universe.

more jokes, I guess?

"Artis anal" salami

good thing I have a leg up on you

Crappy Camera Controls? Check

the spice must flow

join me, and together WE will hang out with Creepy Woody

gotta protect those pillows... 1 plate per breast

Oh, that's good news; Now we won't have to worry about the money being siphoned off from HOMEWORLD REMAKE 2014 the same way it happened to ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES.

Dungeon Keeper 1?

In Seriousness, as long as there is a human medium I have no problem with "Drones", if there is an actual person pulling the trigger there has to be some degree of morality involved.

It'sa me! Your Supplier