
IT'S THE CIVILIAN CLASS... when you turn off the phone and realize how useless and dependent you really are

*Looks at Call of Duty* well that turned into a shitty ride

I've had that discussion so many times it makes my head hurt.

lunch tickets? I remember those, I lost a bunch a those damn things in the washer once... cost me $20.

what's with the tiny everything

what is the meaning of this artwork?

I would just respawn as a pyro and spam my flames on EVERYONE

you forgot their elite Super Sentai forces

so I guess next they'll scrap shooting out lightbulbs.

could have done away with the emo haircut though.... but the alpha looked like it was full of life.

I thought the question mark box was going to be a condom wrapper

I'm not that big into graphics... just give me one that doesn't lag like a bitch and I'll throw dollar bills at you.

I thought it would be Mass Effect 3

and then some bloke stumbles upon Australium and colonizes space in 5 years

so... um Ogaf the Strong?

collect them all before your children nag at you

2 oracles + 2 tempests = overkill

didnt Nuclear dawn do the same thing?
