
Affleck, huh? I, for one, don't mind Snyder's finger-to-the-internet gesture in this choice. But there is only one grizzled, cynical, jut-jawed, crime-fighting veteran capable of credibly kicking Henry in the super-chops:

Pay 2 win...

Didn't River give the Doctor her remaining "lives" in Let's kill Hitler?

It didn't steal its font from Starcraft.

To: Terrorist@mcterrorist.boom
Subject: big boom jihad terrorist

I use the NSA to back up my data.

Jeez i hate how the article is shoved over to the right. It makes my screen feel wonky. After 5 attempts they finally had a good layout but wannabe Zuckerberg in Gawker towers just has to tweak it for no god damn reason. Jesus.

Damn. I guess the old tried and true method of sticking them up my butt has been put out to pasture.

To be honest, I went through the same thing, and buying a Circle Pad Pro really helped. Its made way more ergonomic than the 3DS itself. Worth it for that alone, though the second stick on certain games, like monster Hunter, is definitely an improvement.

The $200 subsidized price is a rip off. The specs are middle of the road so the price is too high I think. I understand that the "user experience" is good with this phone and that this phone will probably be excellent for the vast majority of people. But if the specs aren't up to snuff with the HTC One or S4 than the

Microsoft: Pay us $59.99 or

Oh sorry modern Japanese games suck right before he laughed at a guy for asking a completely valid question and goes on to complain about things that have more prominence in western games than they do in Japanese ones.. And he said something more like suck on my dik chok on it or something, I apologize for not

If your heart tells you to say things like choke on my dick or all Japanese games suck or to make fun of PCs... then dont speak with your heart

Cliffy, please don't feed the troll!

i don't.

Nah dog, first make something relevant again because Gears of War is not enough anymore.

Yawn. Phil Fish has now become bigger than his fun little platformer. Fucking diva. He'll be back when he realizes no one outside of the gaming world gives a shit about what he has to say.

You're doing God's work.

Goodbye Phil Fish. I liked your game, but you are a pretentious, toxic, hipster piece of work. Take a cruise around the world, talk to random people in some exotic countries, make something that does not involve your ego masturbation. And most of all - fix your fucking attitude, dude.
Then you can get back you got a