

This! Great book! And I got incredibly trashed one night awhile back and started reading it and as I went through it I kept finding little parts here and there which were beyond deep and insightful and also incredibly interesting given the human mind and state of the world and everything. Then I sobered up and had no

Maybe if the poster was of Smash Bros and the guy giving the finger was Mario or Link or something more Smash related it might've made it in. I thought it was stupid when I first heard her being announced but she does seem to have a unique moveset. If Sakurai applies this thought process to some other characters, we

Yes, you are. Seriously, the fuck is wrong with you, making fun of kids with disabilities.

Honestly, I can't believe Monaco didn't win considering its fairly new and highly praised.

I prefer Alfred to Quicksilver and Transmission to uTorrent, but this is a really good list. Other than those two, I use probably ever recommended app (if I have a need in that particular category).

I'd go as far as saying every Ace Combat before Assault Horizon was good.

*high five!*

The Miyamoto one is priceless.

I believe in the Game Informer spread they did, Rockstar stated that they aren't doing that again.

Yeah, there was a whole episode about how important it was to him. That's how he captured his Primeape.

I felt they made a mistake when they changed this hat for the other ones... you guys know all that he had to do go get that hat?

bump for black apple keyboard

Haters, go ahead and hate. I love this movie. The budget was 18 million.

He didn't betray her. She knew he was lying and was complicit in the lie. Joel lying to her was him shouldering the weight of what happened so that she could live and not feel guilty for being alive. I think it's nice that everyone thinks people give their lives so readily. Everyone wants to live. The assumption that

The problem with Reggie's outlook? The WiiU is not the Wii. The Wii was new and innovative. In the public's eye, the WiiU is a Wii with a tablet attached (something that most people have already). So yeah... there isn't really a comparison.

I find your lack of Uncharted 2 disturbing. As much as I absolutely loved Shadow of the Colossus, it was a PS2 game I don't think should count as a PS3 game on the list. Otherwise I think NBA 2K12 should be replaced with the God of War collection or the Metal Gear Solid Essential Collection.

Clearly the Kinect is capable of administering a blood test.

Hey Kotaku, seeng as we have big ass comment sections dedicated to people blocking the related articles, maybe you could move them to the left of the text, in the white spaced area not being used for anything at the moment and where they would not impede normal reading of the article. Ktnxbye.

They called it Xbox One cause they just took 359 steps backwards.