
ok, i have another variant here. made of veal or very young cow, but the spirit is the same (I am from a milking region, veals are always in excess around here). two very thin veal steaks, breaded and fried. but here comes the twist, inside there is ham and cheese (sometimes also blue cheese) and this is served over

and, just to be precise, the cones which are the specilalized cells to detect light with different wavelenghts (that is, color) are insidd the eye, in the back (mostly fovea) not in the cornea.

it is funny how that restriction in meaning is creeping.

my pleasure. that is how it was in spain, when i grew up. now, it is not clear to me what it means. or how it is applied.

shit. if you remove your ability to see blue light you will lose a huge chunck of the colors as we know them. no more skies, no more blue water.

vagina is the birth cannal. no other pieces included. and f hard to see! it is always hylarious when people say use a mirror to see you vagina. unless you are at the gyn, with a mirror all you see is the labias, clit and opening of your vagina. maybe. 

we are mainly xenophobos. our hate is tiwards other, even in the darkest hour of europe race was one component of hate. religion, sexual orientation and ideology were bigger than race.

it has never being about race or skin color. it is prejudice. after all, this is the country where irish were once not white once.  

i gave up. once i had a fairly awkard conversation on a social security office. somebody was questioning why i had marked white european in the ethnic stuff. and for a while, i did not understand the problem. she told you have to mark latina. me... why? i am white european.

when multiple, diverse different cultures are reduced to a single stereotype and denied identity.

omg, this. while for english speakers there are discussion about whether their accent is from the proper london neighbourg, all spanish peaking people are put in the same bag. and we all look the same. no matter whether you have a spaniard playing a mexican or a mexican playing a spaniard, it is just awful. mexico is

i was kind of paying partial attention, but was not andreja pedjic play girlfriend (fullstop) in the girl in the spider web?

it contributed a bit to the reductionist view of southern europe, to be fair. there as blonde italians and spaniards as there are blonde french.

actually is not. i am quite tired of seeing spaniard depicted by anybody that speaks short of spanish and many times, frommexico central or south america, wrong accent, wrong ethnicity. or, the other way aroung getting people like penelope or sofia vergara too look far more racial to depict a spaniard! what is wrong

true. again, drinking alone. i was thinking in the mediterranean arc Spain, France, Italy, Greece. Alcohol is consider food there (and life expectancy is high) , and as so it is shared (not that there are no alcoholic or binge drinking, but when and how you use alcohol is different, really)

well, exactly this. i got the feeling that in US alcohol is linked to stress while in other countries is linked to celebrations and rarely consumed by one person alone.

exactly this. no player in Spain will get money from the national team. their interest, beside a pure competition one, is to become more valuable because the national teams to well. i dont even thing the dpanish federations pays salaries, there are bonuses but that is all.

in us women soccer us big. rest of the world not. it is sad, and will love seeing it grow but it is not even close to be comparable. and do not forget, football is europe and southamerica. usa is a very minoritary market here.

i am a bit confussed on what is being ask. is the us team asking to get paid more by its federation? or in general all females teams within the world cup.

i know, it is weird. i am pretry sure my country defines mother as the birth mother (this was the traditional way, and fits with the donation of ovules process too). a genetic donnor is not a parent. in this case of course they are unvoluntary donnors, but i am sorry, the trauma is not even close to 9 mounths plus