Gatis Gailitis

Vegans blood.

seriously ? Why are you bringing GIFs back. Let them die.

It's nice having gifs and all but can't you replace them with videos ?

I second this. They are truly amazing and so fucking beautiful.

Suggestion to American car manufacturers. If you gonna be sending over cars that have 4-6+ liter engines to a place where gas costs about 7-9 $ per gallon, you gonna have a bad time. We like it very efficient here.

Rather pointless because everything comes from space.

This reminds me little kids who run even though mother tells them not to, lands on their face and then cries their heart out...

Is iPhone so average, that every phone that comes out needs to be compared to it ?

I'm with you on this one brother.

VPN, HDD encription locked with password that would take few million years to brute force. Pretty safe. However I don't like that social sites can track my every keystroke these days and I can't really use my GPS without letting Google know everything about me. Not that I'm a spy or a crook... I just don't want

Dear Skype. I hate how you consume 150 MB of my RAM by idling in the background. Please just, Be user friendly and lightweight.

Orux Maps.. I was working as a mailman and I had to remember many routes. This app would download google maps for offline use, record my route and I can place adresses I must deliver everything in a few minutes. This made learning process a lot easier and took me 1 day instead of 4 days.

Personally, I want people to start making custom shells, but there aren't enough enthusiasts to do that.

Me neither brother. Me neither.

Don't want to sound like your typical environmentalist but birdhouses made of tree make no damn sense...

180° angle to what? In space there is no up and down, right or left. It would be correct even if it was upside down from the other side.

When I was a kid I never understood why nobody shoots him in the face. Not that I have figured that out till this day.

Until you get your iCar and you need an adapter.

Hook up benzine car with propane system. That's gonna save tons of money. I know many who does it and it's extremely cheap and you lose only about 5% of power.

Now playing

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