Gatis Gailitis

You so mad... The fuck does that star do anyway..

"and use on/WITH (??) my wife" (or in other words "me and my wife use it")

Well, as someone living in Europe, I go to facebook and see at least 10 shares of links videos by my friends against SOPA/PIPA and even more likes, shares by their friends so.. since this doesn't only affect US internet users but also those living in Europe, it makes sense to spread the word here as well.

I don't think anyone cares.

Wikipedia does this only for symbolic reasons. You can bypass this.. but you shouldn't promote that. It's one day without Wikipedia. Rather that than rest of the time being filtered by SOPA/PIPA. Gawker not only should have stayed quiet about how to bypass Wikipedia, but join them.

Abuse of power.. That's what she said...

"Accessing Wikipedia doesn't go against the spirit of the blackout. Wikipedia's very action alone is symbolic." - From the FB comments by J.Boyer.

Giz, do you hate the internet ?

I bought silver version of this baby in my trip to Holland. It's been years. Still working and the watch means a lot to me even though it doesn't cost that much or shows time any better than a $30 watch. I don't think one should save on buying things they like. Unless you're religious, you know that you live once and

" Say 'cat' again, I dare you, I double dare you m*therfuc**r, say 'cat' one more Goddamn time!"

completely agree. This is a win.

enough for today

When I read the headline I thought of this.

In general it's a good idea. Just that this isn't enough explored. It could be so much more.

Yeah, I can also confirm that they have a really good hardware but software they put on it is...awful.

Exactly. I can imagine what would happen to my plastic laptop if I dropped it... Well I don't know and I don't want to do science but I'm sure it wouldn't work anymore and I'd damage plastic body, screen and HDD as well as would probably have motherboard problems, problems closing the lid etc. Unless it's ToughBook

Boobox has obviously never had an argument with someone who completely ignores your points. I dare to say that everyone who has, sees this as an actual option.

I was planning to buy Canon G12. Would anyone comment on that ? Is it worth buying or are these so much better ? I'm not a photographer or anything but I'd like to take pretty pictures on the go.. you know.. like landscapes, people etc. Things that one normally shoots when travelling. Thanks in advance giz.

If nothing else works: