Yeah, it’s bigger than it should’ve been. I do regret that Jerry felt he had to defend himself and I think Kesha should’ve probably apologized publicly for the way she had acted instead.
Yeah, it’s bigger than it should’ve been. I do regret that Jerry felt he had to defend himself and I think Kesha should’ve probably apologized publicly for the way she had acted instead.
Well, in the original post on Jezebel, the clear majority of replies kept focusing on how “rude” Seinfeld was,
Totally agree. It’s bullshit.
He doesn’t beat his girlfriends. There is that.
Yeah, I kind of feel like Amber won the breakup with Johnny Depp BIG TIME.
I don’t support Jerry qua Jerry, I support people not being shamed into giving hugs when they don’t want too. And you say Jerry is a jerk and you like Kesha, well, based on her behavior Kesha is a jerk as well.
I’m on the side of he was fine to say no, and he was fine to be rude after she ignored his no. But when you say...
You act like the person mid-interview who was caught off guard has the agency. It’s so bizarre to me.
But he doesn’t owe her anything, even a high-five.
I just keep thinking about the fact.....what if it was reversed? If Kesha kept saying no to a hug? The person asking isn’t entitled to anything, right? Not even a pity-five.
Which is the WORST kind of high-five. There’s no life to it. hahaha
I don’t see where is wasn’t polite though? He could’ve told her to fuck off after asking the second time.
I dunno man. If the roles were reversed, it would seem a little creepy and overbearing. Kesha of all people should know that having a clear boundry on your physical self is important. He doesn’t need to apologize for anything, she isn’t entitled to a hug just cause she’s famous.
If someone tries to hug me without asking, the most that will come of it is my elbow to their ribs. Nope. My personal space, my body, my rules.
Nope. An asshole he may well be, although I wouldn’t know. But he was well within his rights and she, of all people, should know not to insist on unwanted contact.
Yeah, but- I think he legit had no idea who she was. I barely know who she is. We travel in different circles. So as far as he knew, it was just some rando demanding a hug. All due respect to Kesha and all, who I’m sure is lovely. #TeamJerry.
“No thanks” he said—not Get Away or Don’t You Dare. He was firm and not mean. She kept asking. After someone says no twice, how many times does he need to decline? She was the rude one.
There are more polite ways of asking for a hug too.
Forcing kids to hug strangers actually reenforces a lack of bodily autonomy. It teaches them to put up with unwanted physical contact.
People are putting all of this on Seinfeld as if it was his responsibility to make the person that approached him feel better about his rebuke.
I thought he handled that about as graciously as one can, put on the spot like that. If some stranger came up and tried to force a hug on me, I would be dropping f bombs on him.
Sidenote, Kesha interrupted an interview with Slash once to lick his face, which he was a good sport about but clearly not into. He told the…