Mounted Beaver

Rude but perhaps accurate to some degree.


Ferrari?  Hmmmmm.  No.

No video? Tisk tisk.

I beg to differ.

I’m old enough to admit that I honestly learned more about how to drive a manual transmission from riding the bus. Back then all the school busses were manual, seemingly put together loosely with a mixture of duct tape and zipties. I used to sit in the first row just to watch the driver operate the pedals so I could

I tend to agree here but what does Genesis produce (outside of really compelling luxury cars/SUV’s) that has any performance credentials at this point?  I have a hard time comparing them to BMW on that fact alone.

Or better yet...what did his insurance agent say when he called?

Came here for this.  Damn...just...damn.

This is too good not to share...have you opened this up to the twitterverse yet as the gag of the year?

Yeah and if it kills people so be it right?  STFU with that nonsense already.

Now playing

This was a rad little 7-min video of the history of the brand and one owners story with it.  Super cool little brand with massive aspirations.

Hey dipshit, lest you forget that it started with your less-than-brilliant take.  These are useful and much needed (I’m writing this from Colorado at present where more than half the state is on fire) resources.  Oh yeah, and while you’re at it, why don’t you read the rest of the article about how they’re actually

Kind of agree. That roof gonna rattle like a freight train, especially without any engine noise but overall this is a pretty awesome package.

I was able to get access to a private tour last year (a miracle) and I’ll echo what others have stated that this is a purpose built facility for McLaren and likely nobody else. The F1 team and R&D directly adjacent to each other, the in house wind tunnel, the semi-attached manufacturing facility...I can’t imagine

Allegedly.  I’m getting to the point where I think with 7-8 laps remaining he says shit on the radio to make it appear closer than it actually is.

That’s exactly what I did.  I turned in my 2017 GTI 7 months early with super low miles and made about $1500 cash plus not making payments for 7 months.

I’m an amateur racer. I used to say that I didn’t have the talent to be a pro. I’m now going to change that statement to “I didn’t have the talent or the courage it takes to be a pro.”

Ok - I’ll bite.

Just did the same thing.  (Checks math) how the fack is this even possible?