Mounted Beaver

What I can’t figure out is why the Purdue coach would opt to foul VA with 5 seconds to go. If they can jam a three ball in with that amount of time left good for them...but fouling them felt stupid...and that ended up being the key decision in my view.

As an amateur racer myself, seeing this is hard to comprehend. Being required to turn into a corner at speed, gauging your entry point and apex, with two hands on the wheel is hard enough. With one it’s nothing short of legendary.  The more I learn about this guy, his attitude, his ambition and his talent I’m amazed

If you buy a ZR1 and don’t take it to the track, you’re wasting your money.”

Totally agree.  I know the axe needs to fall on someone, and it was never going to fall on Vettel, but this is customary for the Italians.  If we don’t win, get out.  I’m going to miss saying “Arrivabene” to my 9 year old...maybe the coolest name in motorsport.

Tom Wilson is the epitome of a goon in the modern NHL.  He scores more than typical goons do, but he’s a shit disturber of the first order and not much else.  Also of note - any goon that wears a visor is lame.

There’s more pre-meditation in this assault than there was for OJ.  Jesus.

Feels like straight-line speed will be critical here...good lord.

The rule is terrible.  The call was terrible.  Ties are terrible.

Is there a worse coach in the NFL at present?

The shittiest part of that link is that 41% of Americans approve of him, not the 52.8% that don’t.

That face he’s making right the same face he’ll be making when he’s informed that the security detail he “required” will not longer be part of his entourage.

Hard to argue with that sentiment

To the raucous F1 fans out there, given the BBC’s commentary of Kimi yesterday being a “adequate” partner to Seb and such, is there any chance in hell he makes another run at Ferrari next season replacing the Kimster? Could that be possible?

100% agree. No other motorsport event has this kind of nonchalant attitude towards a rider dying each and every year the event is held. I’m sure its a great event and I’d love to check it out one day, but to lose a racer every year is a bit much these days.

God I hope not, but to the writer’s point, if more of these come across the auction block the prices should come down. I think. I hope. Forget it.