
Protip: Don't read through the comments on Gawker's version of this. Since it's a white guy committing this crimes, someone making the *totally unexpected* claim that American's crumbling mental healthcare is to blame here.

Or laugh at the fact that its slower than a Nissan thats 6 year old, has 237hp LESS and weighs more.

Yep, he's a grade A twatwaffle. He made posts on a local car forum insulting pretty much every lower-budget car racer. If you can't buy a $100k+ worth of car you are a piece of shit to him. I used to frequent the 1/4 mile track in Sealy, but haven't been once since he bought it.

That sounds great, and I hope it's true. But, from my own experience with narcissists, they're typically very charismatic, and always seem very apologetic. They're masters at that. But the complete lack of ethics one must have to do the kinds of things he did in the first place shows his true character, in my opinion.


The man parted out customer cars that were in his shop and sold the pieces to other customers. He didn't make good on it until forced to by the courts. I'm a pretty forgiving guy, but there's a line...

The apologies I saw were far from sincere, and I have no confidence that he's changed in any way other than simply resolving to not get caught next time. He's a narcissist, and that's what narcissists do — lie, cheat, and manipulate others.

Nobody that thinks they're "right" ever changes. Narcissists always think

He is definitely a scumbag.

After finally bothering to look into the shady and disreputable past of John Hennessey, I no longer want to see articles about him on Jalopnik. I feel he deserves no attention.

In today's Tweet Beat, Sam Smith is making a lot of famous friends, Wiz Khalifa is having a great day and nobody

I did 108 in my Focus ZX3, and 103 in my Prius Gen-II...

Just imagine how some of the people from the various "Challenges" shows feel. A lot of the so-called veterans were people I watched when I was in middle/high school

A. The Real World is still on television

Fuuuuuuuuuuck them.

When maternity coverage was being debated before the ACA passed it became a real republican sticking point. This is a great moment:

No public funding for schools, either. Assuming your children make it through the first 6 years.

6. No WIC/Medicaid/Welfare/Head Start.