George Ashdown

Sorry Kyle, but I think you have to go back to full reviews since someone has infringed on this bullet points gimmick and made it better:…


IT felt like they were in Memphis or Corpus Christi, but they were near her hometown. Compare with how hot Boston was for Sasha: night and day.

The crowd didn't seem hot for Enzo last week, this week proves it wasn't a fluke: they're stale and even the live audience aren't entertained anymore. And that's bad: Even I, the smark queen, will shout what the WWE want me to shout on cue at a live taping, like a good catholic girl.

No word on Braun and Big Show's outfits? They were like girls in junior high who txt each other at night to make sure they wear matching clothes the next day.
What do you think their lame tag team name would be?
And did you know they had to reinforce the ring?

Yeah, and she had some basic downs. As Kenny has said in interviews: she was already able to do a good headscissors and convincing kicks and a few other things before they even started practicing. Shane still can't throw a punch, his coast-to-coast is hot garbage and he doesn't seem to know how to protect himself

You're too sweet, good brother wifeski.

You can click on her profile and see. But that's beside the points: it's obvious she LOVES doing the wrestling stuff, probably above all else. Say you're a secretary, and you love your job. Your boss comes up and says "well now, you're gonna spend half the day filling it in the archives room." You'd be like "fuck,

Vince: "OK so we're gonna package you as HBK 2.0"
Dolph thinking to himself "who is that HBK? I should find out STAT!"
Dolph watches HBK vs Hulk Hogan.
Dolph at Vince: "OK I've studied the work of HBK, I got you fam!"


If you can't have him wrestle Omega, have him wrestle Omega's broom!

He jobbed to the Miz a bunch while he was IC champ.

I have a feeling the wrestling reviewers had to fight tooth and nail to get to keep at least this format. And it came with a "and only as long as it brings X amount of traffic to the site and we'll be monitoring that" warning from management. LaToya clarifies it in early comments. She just wants to keep her job, event

It's OK, I never "got" Undertaker. Whenever I hear the gong, I get a pavlovian bowel movement. It's like "oh! time for a long relaxing poo!". Undertaker is my Metamucil.

You know what really pisses me off about the format change (aka Wrestling getting pushed to the kick-off match of the AV Club PPV)? It was the only TV program that got a good treatment on here. The writers were enthusiastic, knowledgeable and open-minded. They never looked down on wrestling, in a culture where

Dear sir,

Yup, brings out the linguist NERD in me.

It's something we get a lot in Montreal and the Canadian Maritimes: people who don't speak any French will pronounce some words close to the French pronunciation. Saw it a lot in Cambridge too: in their accent, the "a" sounds are extremely un-american to to point of sounding almost French, and French words used in

Yeah what is it? Apollo and Dolph viciously fighting for the privileged spot of jobbing to the Miz?!

It's not a Canadian thing, nor a British thing. I'm a Montrealer and even the native English speakers will say it closer to Nah-omi, and that's what I heard in Cambridge too. How does Paige say it? (she's from Norwich, which is close to Cambridge but has a distinctive accent.)