George Ashdown

If anyone can do for the US title what the Miz did for the IC title, it's Jericho. Hopefully.

I have a pretty bad fever, but are you guys trying to make me believe I imagined seeing AJ Styles tear his pants and it looking like he bladed his buttcheek? In any case, that was fun!

They didn't even present the cruiserweight champion, didn't give any reasons as to why they selected those specific four guys for a fatal fourway (if you can't come up for a reason, put all the guys in, like Smackdown does, ffs!) and they're shoehorned in the 3rd hour deadspot before a main event that has zero stakes

No. Maryse's accent is consistent. Meghan Draper is the Broken Matt Hardy of Mad Men.

RE: the No Mercy fragrance ad, as a French speaker, I thought it was quite clever, though the brilliance of it will be lost on 99% of the viewers. Maryse says it as if it was "Non, Merci" (no, thanks). However, her québécois accent is very lower class (and that's coming from someone who was raised in a trashy part of

6. The show is called "The Knick" and not "Dr. Thack", after all. I've been wondering too.

Life-threatening anemia. Which would require blood transfusions on a steady basis, even nowadays.

Does the reviewer play Candy Crush whilst "watching" The Knick? There are glaring factual errors week after week. It's a disgrace.