
Yeah, but even with giants, it feels like dragons could make real short work of them all with fire (especially after seeing the scope of which Drogon could cover an area with fire but imagined with two more dragons), so they'll have to introduce some new power or handicap.

Yeah, one thing I don't get: the WW have nothing we've seen to counter the dragons thus far. Not even a weak scorpion. Dany could just fly over them and unleash fire, and while that might not kill the White Walkers (though it feels like dragonfire should be able to), what could they even do to counter that?

[an entire episode of Pod fucking]

I already don't really like the idea of CleganeBowl anymore because the Hound fighting the undead Mountain just doesn't do much for me. If they're both undead, I'll just fully check out.

Oh, I'm not arguing against the show having Dany be completely idiotic about how to take the damn thing down.

The show has always had quips but never quite so many nor so meta and modern feeling while they were still adapting the books. The dialogue itself has become more modern and often quicker. I think when you combine that with the pace at which everything is moving—which despite this episode being planning was absolutely

"Hey just so you know I'm carrying what's supposed to be your birthright until you fucked up and your dad gave it to me lol. Anyways Joral, right? Good to meet you my dude."

That made me laugh. Like, oh sure! Of course!

Fuck. I legit always forget that was her.

Yeah there's a certain satisfaction in seeing something you've believed for years basically end up being true.

See I thought the opposite. I thought the frog bug thing clearly did possess Sarah, but it's not Laura, her daughter.

Dragons can always fly higher than the arc of those scorpions though.

Yup. I have a feeling the dragon only has two heads in the show.

Hey, the scenes don't happen right after each other. Dany asking them to bend the knee? Actually months later.

Ha I thought of an RPG too. Its absurd.

Jon's plan is so incredibly dumb that everyone on it deserves to die.

Cool to hear! Look forward to seeing it. I followed Kinja through what feels like 100 different variations on the various Gawker sites over the years, and I got the feeling that it was pretty pliable from a CMS standpoint (almost to a fault, I guess, as it let Denton have his team tinker a lot). Will be curious to see

I don't mind Kinja. I'm just curious as to what the AVC site will look like on Kinja since it's more of a blogroll and doesn't really sort content like AVC does. Has their been any discussion or examples of what it'll be like? I think that's a pretty interesting design issue.

Just from what's happening in the trailer, I'm willing to bet money that there's narrative reasons for it.

I liked that Get Out's take on this was being unable to charge his phone.