
I’m sendin you to Jesus

I will kick you in the chest

How the same company can make something as sublime as Snickers and as awful as Mars/Milky Way causes me great mental confusion.

In defense of Trump.

The only correct answer to the movie prop question is the actual Maltese Falcon.

Seriously, take this guy instead. He can’t even WOO

Probably the fact that the ball wouldn’t have been caught without a throw to exactly that spot coupled with a catch that you acknowledged was outstanding.

She needs to murder someone for a face... everyone there is “friendly”. She’s not a magical sailor school girl who just spins and transforms.

“Why is Arya giving Sansa shit about ruling Winterfell? They’ve just met again after years of hardships. Perhaps Arya could stay polite a bit longer instead of basically accusing her sister of undermining Jon?” 

Misdirection. They know Littlefinger is up to something, and have entered into an agreement to be at one

Easily the most inappropriate sexual activity I’ve seen going on at a subway since Jared.

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

Boxing isn’t like horseracing. Your odds at the time you place your bet are the odds you’re stuck with. If they’ve already placed their bets, nothing that happens now can change them.

It’s cool to see an older player still developing his game this late in his career. The Kings knew they were signing a great rebounder and post scorer, but now they’re getting a distributor too.

I couldn’t even read all of them.

If you think about it enough, you realize that sports are almost entirely a waste of time. I don’t think about it too much because there is always a game to watch

There is little of the plot—or its entirety—that can’t be condensed to a Hollywood elevator pitch. “What if The Matrix was also The Last Starfighter?”

I’m exactly Cline’s age and played with 90% of the toys/games he vomited up in that tome, and I was overcome with self-loathing around the book’s 4th list of entertainment detritus. It was like 459 pointless Family Guy references, but without laughs. Or exactly like 459 pointless Family Guy references.

It’s worth mentioning that the team he has started the most games against and pitched the most innings against in his career and a likely postseason opponent of the Astros, the Cleveland Indians, has roughed him up pretty bad over the last few years in particular. His career ERA against Cleveland is 4.71 (career ERA

Let us ask ourselves if we can imagine any scenario where Michael Jordan would apply criteria to this discussion that in any way might threaten his assumed position at the top of a ranking of modern NBA players.

In terms of overall talent Lebron might have it over Kobe. But if it’s game 7 of the finals and I’m down 10 at halftime I would take Kobe over Lebron to pull out the victory and that matters more. Lebron has no clutch gene and no killer instinct. It’s why he is constantly talked about as being soft. And why he only