
Puig my friend MVP

The Process will never get all the young guys good enough at the same time to win before they leave for elsewhere.

For such a smart guy, you sure sound like a dumbass. Proclaiming your superiority via pithy internet post and telling people they’re wrong about what’s funny is definitely bottom-percentile behavior.

What a tool to be only covered in bland league logos. I almost feel bad for this loser. Almost.

Walking Annihilation Dead.  

The millennials downfall civilization like few others. This is some straight Hallmark shit.

Adam didn’t explain this well to you.

Keep fighting the good fight, fuckface. Why doesn’t he sue Ashley Judd too?

What a modern classic, Hitchcock via YouTube.

No, Pure system QB.

I like how this old piece of shit thinks he can be cool by quoting a less old and not as shitty old piece of shit.

You can not like it (subjective,) but to say it is not a very good movie is incorrect (objective.) Youngs can say old things suck, and olds say the new things suck, and they’re both wrong.

No mention of the even the score? The subtle extinction of animals? Religious symbolism? The surprise “bad guy becoming good” ending? (Which is a gross oversimplication.)

I second this motion to amend the membership requirements.

These two might be forgiven for never having the intellectual/geek/artistic curiosity/enthusiasm to somehow miss out on a seminal masterpiece in their first decades of life. I don’t fault them at all for not liking it at this point, when it seems more parody than progenitor.

What comes first, the decadent wealth or the smug assholery?

That’s more sci-fi than Battle Royale. And way better than AI.

Great call. Totally agree.

+1 for Abyss mention, and -10000 for thinking Blade Runner is bad and isn’t a vital precursor to several other films you liked.

AI is top 10 worst movie ever. And AV forcing other picks like both Carruth films, Her, Sunshine, Skin, Darko onto this list is also dumb. They are great movies, have sci-for elements in them, but should not be classified as such foremost. What about Fight Club, Memento, Lord of the Rings,Kings Fu Hustle or Iron Man