
How does theatrical make any money when it’s out for free weeks earlier? I guess they can boast of a theatrical release later in its distribution/release? I know the traditional rollout is being all disrupted all the time, but it really seems like they shouldn’t bother here.

Unfriended is 21st-century Hitchcock. And to complain that its characters are “shrill and vapid” is really missing the point since that’s exactly what they’re supposed to be as theyre the bad guys.

Whoa, that’s amazing how you can go fuck yourself.

Rushing to judgment without context is a good way to miss out on the finer things in life. Stay hipster.

Durant is Trump, another moronic weakling who mistakes ill-begotten victory for worth.

Another bad omen portending Dodgers disaster this playoffs.

Jar Jar Abrams sucks, even when handed the keys to the greatest franchises around with infinite resources. Super 8 looks especially garbage now following Strangers Things and It.

Jesus, just like your above know-nothing remark about what “passing” means, you also don’t understand that every single monster blockbuster does reshoots now. It’s budgeted and planned from the beginning. Bringing on a different director doesn’t mean problems and/or big change.

Welcome to Earth. Here, you will find humans often have kindness and sympathy, though not all of them, like dumbshits who misunderstand idioms as something to be a badass about.

What? Go fuck yourself.

I almost feel sorry for Dowd if he can’t enjoy such a simple thrill as the first film. His opinions are heretofore nullified.

Were they fighting over who got to ride or drive?

Chargers definitely go back to SD at some point.

You don’t understand LA at all. Carson, Inglewood are all LA. Neither location is holding them back. And once both teams move to fancy new stadium, they’ll have people show up from curiosity for a single season. Other than that, it’s Playoffs or GTFO.

Kevin Durant can go fuck himself however he likes.


You are correct and have dated in the past decade, unlike Drew.

Yur an idjiot.

Okay, gotcha now. I kinda misread your earlier comment. I totally agree.

Are they still alive? The film cuts away once they stop floating.