
What?! If anything, the modern sports Benedict Arnold is even more sensitive about it now, still when he has to shove it down the haters’ throats. There’s no “scoreboard” bragging when you’ll be eternally despised for being gutless and cowardly. Stay oblivious, buddy.

Jar Jar Abrams sucks. I’d rather take moron prequels’ originality over more rehashed recycling. There are dozens of moments in those stupid prequels better than anything in the repulsively bland episode VII.

Fucking Jar Jar Abrams sucks... (fart noise/slide whistle)

This article sucks even more than usual for you, Hamno. How did you start invading the other blogs so much? Your thirst desperation for hot takes is pathetic.

I read the book knowing the big twist but don’t remember ever encountering that. But I believe you. His books still always feel like they’re made up on the fly. (Pun?)

Nah. King’s writing is always sudden m, scattershot and improvised based on whatever coke he snorted that morning. There’s no careful setup at all. If “It” had any carefully established design at all, there would have been an iota of spider imagery/symbolism/setup anywhere in its first several hundred pages. Your

A Clintonite stubbornly sinking on their ship is nothing new.

Whoa, a MacFarlane project that’s dumb, derivative and painfully not funny! The streak continues... 

I feel genuinely sad you can’t appreciate that movie. Does ice cream really get your goat too?

How dare you suggest ajar Jar Abrams to come back and further shit on the best movies ever?! Given the infinite dream choices available - Brad Bird, Edgar Wright, the f’n Corn Bros or the John Wick guys... And you come up with almost the worst pick possible? Your tastes are garbage.

Trump sucks but so does Hillary. Her latest campaign is a fantastic reminder of her petty and moronic short-sightedness.

The loudmouth buffoonery of Lavar pales compared to the sheer amount of evil peddled by NCAA. I drive down the 5 in LA and see giant billboards with USC players pictures and names on them. No contest on who can go fuck themselves the most.

This movie is great. Totally enjoyable. I guess it doesn’t live up to fans of the original, but what ever does?

You need shit spelled out too much. I think the big ideas you wanted explored further were already inherent in a lot of the story already.

Holy shit, fuck your spoiler in the headline, you dumb Fuck. Can’t even do your dumb job right, fucking moron. Fuck you.

The multiverse stuff is such cheap garbage. The interdimensional shit has gotta go. Nobody reads Batman or spiderman because of the wacky multiworld time hopping. So cheap and stupid, and the trope hats been lost belated to death now in these events.

True fact: Kobe’s better than Jordan too. On paper and in style they were similar yet Jordan never faced zone D.

I know you guys thought this article was smart, but it is one of the dumbest things on the interwebs today. What a waste.

Go calibrate your sarcasm meter.

This was exactly my first thought too when I saw a pic. GTFO, ya dink.