It's just the universe inside that autistic kid's head turning in on itself. Intersection of 1st and 1st, "nexus of the universe," and all…
It's just the universe inside that autistic kid's head turning in on itself. Intersection of 1st and 1st, "nexus of the universe," and all…
Yeah. I think she was supposed to have a bigger part in that arc and it didn't work out. Everything was chaotic at the time with the writer's strike and the fact they were trying to pivot from the early seasons into the last few years of the run.
Easy: latinum can't be replicated. http://scifi.stackexchange….
I dunno, I mean it would be easy enough to have her fancy space armor absorb the blast and allow her to walk away after being knocked unconscious long enough for the heroes to get away. Her armor even looks visibly different than the plastisteel Stormtrooper rank and file, so it makes a kind of intuitive sense—like…
I know I'm not the first one to say this, but if they had just made her the "riot control" Stormtrooper who yelled "Traitor!" at Finn and got to dual him, I don't think anyone would feel there was a conspicuous/disappointing lack of Phasma.
His line about the slash dupe makes me hope any eventual B&W version is marred with scratches and grease pencil!
Not sure how I feel about the decision to leave in episode numerals for all films but TFA. I get not having it for TFA, as the movie has not been marketed that way, but then again, none of the films are marketed that way any longer under the Disney regime. So it feels inconsistent, esp. with regard to IV, V, and VI,…
Beautiful +1
I think a big part of what makes this movie work as well as it does (and it is, I'd say, a movie that's much more than the sum of its questionable parts) is that you feel like you're living it through Besson's eyes — not just the eyes of Besson as a breathless teenager, but…
There is at least one big difference here between movies and TV.
Hamill with Beard:…
I think it's pretty clear — the prequels spent a lot of time illustrating (admittedly with mixed efficacy) the decay and knowledge-rot endemic to bureaucracies that rely on tradition over clear judgement. Both the Republic and the Jedi Order succumb to this, and the Empire is just the end result.
I feel like this podcast begs to be made into a "Visitor's Guide to Night Vale" book that mimics the form of a travel guide. "Twin Peaks" did this wonderfully in the early 90s, even down to mimicking the pocketable tall/long shape so many tour books employ. Much like Night Vale, it consisted of mundane, expected…
You win for the day, here, have a cookie.
Absolutely agree. When I first watched the series, I don't think I really "got" who the Donna character was supposed to be—I feel like LFB was in a constant battle with the character as she existed on the page. It was only after watching FWWM, getting over the momentary disappointment of the recast, and then coming to…
Count me in on Team Donna #2.
I like to imagine the movie was editing things in interspersed fashion to make it more dramatically interesting, but that in reality the travel to Cloud City took a while (like a few weeks) while Luke spent all his time training.
I'm pretty sure relativistic physics don't factor into things once you're in *fucking hyperspace.*
'Shadows' wasn't half bad, esp. the soundtrack and the game (for the time). I have fond memories of that pre-prequel era, when SW excitement was at a fever pitch but it still felt like it was being piloted by the authors/gamemakers who had grown up on it the first time around. I didn't feel that way again until now,…