
It does go well with a q sticker

Cancun Cruz. Or Canadian Cruz. I use the first one more

10/10 will #vanlyfe

Must be the guys that didnt get displaced 1000 years ago.

We still call cop cars "paddy wagon" 

Did you make that up or is that an economic studies term? It fits though. Better than corporate welfare, or the bugs bunny meme

Im in Tx not by choice. The right do not have a monopoly on guns. They do seem to have a monopoly on obesity and highly inflated opinions of their combat ability.

I think that died out during the baby bush administration. Cheney killed it with a shotgun.

Now its all about red necks who moved to Alaska and can’t get enough of how tough they are because it’s cold up there.

Not gonna lie, near the end of the election season, whenever I get solicited for money, i go ... WWSAD. What would Stacey Abrams do.

These oxygen wasters better be glad I am on meds and responsible for dogs now. Coz the day I go nuts again and don’t need to worry about my dogs would be a bad day for the likes of trump and their ilk.

They didn't make a pill for underwhelming size though.

where's the NRA when you need something shot? Oh wait

Not enough sexual assault.

So this muderfucker goes back to his trailer to try again another day, with all his guns, and ammo. Remember Tamir Rice. Consumate carnality with the constabulary. 

OMG! that is so funny. I, also, try going in restricted areas with two illegal firearms and 500 of the good ammo, whilst presenting bogus credentials instead of the legit one that I totally have but didn’t use for no nefarious reason at all, to a place that was just attacked by traitors that I publicly symphatize

I’m sure the Irish were just as glad that the English starved their ancestors so they can drink green beer once in a while.

Two heart attacks. One tripped and got trampled to death in a don't tread on me t-shirt. I made up the part about the t-shirt, but this is how I will tell it.

He had a lot of help from the grand ole pandemicdeniers. Teamwork makes the dream work right?

Whoosh Attorney