G. E. O.

Some of my favorite commentaries are from the Seinfeld dvd's, where you learn that the writers are far more interesting and fun to listen to than the cast, who don't have much to say without a script. And Larry David gave up after recording like 3 for the first couple seasons, and he and Jerry basically watch the

"Maybe we should start talking about the movie, Kurt"
(Both start laughing)

Should have read your post before I posted mine. You nailed it. Also aspiring filmmakers get the dirt they don't talk about in the making ofs

You probably have a lot of friends and don't binge drink at night when you're watching movies. After a pint of Ancient Age I'm ready for a commentary.

Hell, for Kevin Smith movies the commentary track is required to still enjoy the flick. Same goes for Robert Rodriguez. Also obligatory mention of the John Carpenter/Kurt Russell trilogy.

Ooooh where can I get some of that protein powder! Do you get to claim their souls once you drink it, or is that the manufacturer's Domain?

Probably Mitt Romney

I'm pretty sure he just likes to argue with everyone who doesn't have an extreme style of conveying their opinions and viewpoints. You didn't once say Fuck or "Dumpster fire"

Do you enjoy splitting hairs with people on the internet?

Nope. Quite the opposite.

are you absolutely SURE you're not a gimmick account?

And he's one of the nicer dudes.

Well that's certainly an opinion from a 25 year old.

And Hair Color… SO Natural… ONLY your UNDERTAKER will know for sure….

You like having your whole face smell like grease for the rest of the day?

Seems more like a Spring Menu item to me

Hint: It doesn't make you look good when you casually dismiss other people's cognitive perceptions under the assumption that your own are 100% correct and down the middle. Everyone has their own biases, Lad.

Stop with the agenda crap. It's a cheap way to try to invalidate the entire discussion previous. It's a Hail Mary play.

Maher: So, Milo. You're a Nazi.
Milo: ….. um… I don't think so.
Maher: Yes, you are.
Maher: …. you ARE. A Nazi.
Milo: Can we talk about-
Maher: The National Socialist German Workers Party.
Milo: uh, yeah?
Maher:… you're a member. Get it?
Milo: Well, I think…
Maher: …. You're a Nazi.
Milo: ….
Maher: Swastikas and shit.

More likely Maher than Takei, just because people have stronger opinions about Maher it seems.