@TinaCoon: It is not uncommon for the "at fault" party's insurance to cover "drop in value".
Jalopnik...I've heard the memory is the first thing to go.
Grady the Badger.
@jedchev: Dang...I might be "bat-shit crazy." Nice list.
"Whites not a color you say? But it is! It's every color in one."
If ever a car were to "spontaneous combust," please, oh please let it be that car. PLEASE!!!
@RX-Elise: Not to mention the only one available (from a reputable company) is quite a bit more than $100. Used ones get snapped up quickly when selling for $200.
I don't see the problem...I mean I only brought it in to have a newish rotor put on!
@KillerRaccoon: WOW!!! I saw one of this many years ago and had no idea what it was. All badges had been removed. This is awesome!
@tobythesandwich: Seriously...QOTD is pointless without AOTD.
@ODD DOOD: Picture fail. Here is a better one, I hope.