It's mine...I lost it some time ago when I was in Seattle!
It's mine...I lost it some time ago when I was in Seattle!
Except this isn't going to make things more green, right? Creating more fossil fuels and burning them isn't a "win" for us except when it comes to price and abundance (most likely). Would this discovery somehow create carbon-neutral crude oil? I feel like I'm missing something.
One of these. It was 1984 I think. I took this to school and my friends queued up to play this. I became the most popular boy in class!
what's the purpose of the comments section again, other than to have some fun while wasting my day at work?
Through sheer necessity in order to preserve life I have to blend myself with society in the meat-space.
Yes, but then I couldn't have said what I said.
Sure, it wasn't necessary...if you don't consider the spreading of knowledge to be so? Why are you so against science ;)
I need to know people like you IRL
a parsec is a unit of distance, not time.
I loved my sidewinder. I was the only kid in my school who used one but man I felt like a bad ass playing Comanche and Tie Fighter with that.
Can we move away from using mach numbers in space where they have no significance?
I have a problem with Seagate drives failing. Its gotten so bad I had to stop buying them. Also once I figured out that WD black had a really good replacement policy it was no contest. I've sent them a drive that was 4 3/4 years old and gotten a "new" drive back. Is it me?
As a CG artist, I'm curious to see how this might be used for image-based lighting techniques.
That's a cheap shot at religious folks. If someone thanks God for an event that didn't harm anyone, let them. It's not like they used religion as an excuse for hurting others. Geez, let them be. And if you use the argument that its not OK for people to thank God ever because you don't think they see the science of…
U got it all confused.
A desktop is indeed useful. I keep a computer and couple of monitors on mine, in addition to various papers and whatnot.
The original x86 chip was the Intel 8086 (this is where the x86 comes from), it's been expanded through the years. The x86_64 is an x86 instruction set CPU with 64-bit extensions, rather than being a new designed 64-bit chip like the Itanium was.
I swear I read this same post 10 years ago debating Windows vs Mac OS.