Har har. VFX artist clearing off an entire shoot's worth of RED files. No porn here.
Ummm... last I checked Shift + Delete just deletes it while skipping the Recycle Bin.... I use it for large video files all the time when I'm done with them and I don't want to move them to the Recycle Bin first. You won't be able to paste using that without changing some sort of setting.
It CAN be as good.... if you install Magic Lantern to open up the rest of the sensor's options. They're intentionally limited on the Txi series, even though it IS the same sensor on the 7D. Without ML, you are limited to ISO in 100x increments, very basic, rough color temperature options, etc. Even with ML, most of…
Not bad, though I think the interval was too long in between.
That Seagate 3TB doesn't work on OSX, FYI. Learned that the hard way. Thankfully it was a work computer that failed... I much prefer my Windows machine at home, but it was an inconvenient surprise.
I was also quite fortunate that each drive lasted long enough for me to get my mission-critical data off of them. I cannot extol them enough.
Western Digital has been QUITE good to me. I had two hard drives of theirs fail on me (I can't say for certain, but it might have possibly been a power supply issue, so no failing on WD's part potentially... but asked and they said go), and they made things right. They replaced my 1TB Black with a 2TB black (believe…
I think he should have said "adverbs"; I only see one example up there of an adjective: "gnarled". "Swiftly" and "slowly" modify verbs, not nouns.
Look up color temperature. Depending on the look you want, any bulb can be used. The higher the wattage, though, the better.
"The YouTube description says that the player had his friend direct the enemy jet toward him for the chance of taking the shot."
Expert or not, these look phenomenal. I love the one from Kanazawa (excepting the people... people don't look as good surreal'd).
THIS. What most people think of as HDR is the super-baked stuff with halos around everything. What InveterateFiend is likely referring to. HDR done "right" means you don't even notice it.
"Strange" is what I got when I was over there.
The fact remains that they've also signed an NDA, with clearly spelled out consequences for violating said NDA. It is a legally binding contract, entered into without coercion at the beginning of their employment, and it is their fault for breaching that contract. Extreme consequence? Sure. But they agreed to the…
One other thing to make sure you understand, though: the APS-C sensors have a 1.6 crop factor. Because they're smaller but can use the same sensor, your lenses will have a smaller field of view. A 50mm lens will still look like a 50mm lens, but the edges will be cropped in slightly, with a field of view like an 80mm…
APS-C is slightly smaller than 35mm film size, but still will take phenominal photos if you know what you are doing. The popular 7D has this sensor, as does the T2i, T3i, and the new T4i. I can't speak for the Nikon side as I'm a Canon user and have only had about twenty minutes total time looking at Nikon cameras for…