You’re still never gonna kiss any girls, son.
You’re still never gonna kiss any girls, son.
I imagine if one is going to go with that logic, I don’t think it helps when you call your attackers “nazis” in an attempt to curry less condemnation for one’s actions. What people are referring to when this is discussed is concerning the population that didn’t commit the terrorist attacks but is suffering for them…
My barbershop is also a for-profit company doing business because it wants to make money. When my barber picks up the mirror after cutting my hair, I tend to just say my hair looks good, without falling into a pissy little lecture about capitalism.
I want high concept romcoms.
Maybe don't rent videos from Cliche Warehouse? The genre is broader than you're describing.
It's a rom com, so by "perfect height match," he probably means "man is a few inches taller than woman in heels."
Give me a low-budget cartoon with good voicework of her just doing legal cases and having to hulk out occasionally.
Have it be in the style of 80's/early 90's cartoons, or Harvey Birdman (shamelessly stealing from them of course)/Sealab.
This is by far my favorite John Sayles movie and one of my all-time favorites.
I remember back in the day when Little Ceasers had there stuff in a bag. And also when the Pizza! Pizza! tag line meant when you ordered one pizza you got two.
Kelly was always a character known for prompting the hootin’ and hollerin’ from the “your dad and uncles embarrassing themselves at Hooters” studio audience, but even back then, she had some absolutely sublime comic timing and delivery that would continue throughout her career.
Ugh, if there is one thing I tire of more than anything, it is some old proclaiming the Good Ole days are dying things were better, the Golden Age has ended. Bullshit. It’s called change. It’s neither good or bad, but always inevitable when it comes to art and entertainment.
I haven’t had Taco Bell give me a surprise or wretchedly wet shit since the 90's. It’s not the highest quality food for sure, but it might be the best thing for you you can get out of a drive thru window...not that that’s a high bar either
“nor making it out as if I’m against furthering the prevention of rape”
Apparently Ricky Gervais is considered “comedy” too, so they’re clearly high.
Lacey Underall you half-witted jackanapes. Do your work.
It's Lacey Underall, dammit!
“Bottom text”! Classic!
I watched SPEAK NO EVIL recently and I have absolutely no desire to ever watch it again; it was magnificent but ooooofff it gets uncomfortable/nasty.
There is nothing in the whole world less funny than comedians whining that people aren’t laughing at their jokes.
This is what I needed this morning.