
American: in my country we can speak out against our own government!

The special edition version is going live today...

Coming to Xbox soon they said.

Special edition includes all the DLC.

Imagine the swirling hatestorm that will engulf the internets if Elder Scrolls VI doesn’t live up to the pent up hype...

“It is not the Christian’s love that keeps him from burning me at the stake, it is the impotence of his love”

Yet Alex Jones is now trending on YouTube because of this shit show by Kelly. Burying the lede: 19-48 year olds are watching online content. Megan Kelly’s show is for old white Fox News viewers. NBCs strategy is like the anti-Vice news.

More guns in video games and less in real life please!

Yes! Why can’t Spielberg write and direct a movie that truly gives voice to all the other women of color?!?!

Ursula K. LeGuin would say that making women violent protagonists isn’t progress for women it’s just men in drag.

1. Be white

1. Be a white MPG

Can Burger King trademark their symbols? Yes.

If “talent” is something you’re born with, so is being hot. Being hot is a talent.

What if Bethesdas goal isn’t really horse armor micro payments, but a means of releasing mods like “Beyond Skyrim” and the big quest mods like Falskaar onto Xbox as unofficial/official DLC. And to pay the modders who put like 900 hours into their mods.

And you don’t really care about modders. I’m willing to be you’ve never tipped anyone despite probably downloading hundreds of mods.

Wait what...are you actually on the internet that it is wrong for men to be aroused by women’s breasts? Are you a fucking moron?

Oh please. “Baby got back”?

Black people are 10% of the population. You aren’t winning jack shit without allies who may indeed be a little bit racist.

Ursula K. LeGuin would like to have a word with you ladies about female heroes and the tendency to put boys in girls body’s in men’s armor.